We are very proud to be part of UK Sniffer dogs.
A innovative organisation, teaching dog trainers
all over the country to become instructors in scent detection.
Why choose a UK Sniffer dog course?
First and foremost, they are FUN!!
We enable owners to give their dogs a positive experiences in scent detection, not only through work and play, but also to help rectify behaviour problems.
Suitable for all breeds, ages and abilities, these courses
help build confidence, teach independent learning and
create optimism, all whilst building that all important dog - owner relationship.
In our Silver course, we introduce you to the
world of Gun Oil and catnip!
The Silver course is split into 2 halves.
You can either book onto the 4 week Gun oil course
or book onto the 4 week Catnip course
Both have a fun time trial at the end!
**Available to those who have completed Bronze**
In the Gold course, we introduce you to inaccessible hides, water searches, people searches and we touch on catnip once again.
We also introduce you to Truffle Oil.
With a new approach to novel searches,
this course really is the bees knees!
**Available to those who have completed Bronze and Silver levels**
For everyone and anyone that has completed a
UK Sniffer dog Bronze course, either with me or elsewhere, you are welcome to join our
Sniffer dog club!
We use booklets to guide us through lots of fun activities and to further advance our progression.
This is a pay as you go club which is already very active.
Through the year we run trials and competitions, and have our very own leaderboard with prizes for the top 3!